undefined gooselet

Did you ever visit a website and felt furious by what it showed you?

Did you ever feel helpless in face of such an event?

Fear no more! For today you can trash and honk at that page like the goose you were meant to be!


Drag & drop this undefined gooselet link into your bookmarks toolbar!

You can also simply click on the link above and try it on this page, with the example images below!


  1. Navigate to a website!
  2. Get angry at the website!
  3. Click the undefined gooselet bookmark!
  4. Cause shenanigans!

Supported HTML-tags: img, div (with background), video & canvas

Example Content

After activating the undefined gooselet these images can be grabbed with left-click and thrown around!

Also, you can HONK with right-click!



Only K :(

...maybe you?